Vault RNA
Vault RNA is a family of RNA found as part of Borutoribo nucleoprotein complexes were first discovered (known as vtRNA Further, the vRNA) in 1986. The complex, which consists of a small non-coding RNA molecules and several, (TEP1 and VPARP) minor vault protein main vault protein (MVP), two. Each bolt particles containing molecules 8-16 vRNA. Composite repository is associated with drug resistance. The cryo-electron microscope, vRNA of revealed resides near the inner edge of the cap bolt. position of the vRNA, suggesting that it is possible that it interacts with both inside and outside the vault particle. Incidentally, to be involved in stabilizing TEP1 is the vRNA is shown. Mechanism was identified recently, but held together RNA, a repository ribonucleoprotein complexes associated long a resistor. 1 svRNA are associated with Argonaute protein expression of CYP3A4, downregulate enzymes involved in drug metabolism: by Dicer mechanism that operates in a manner similar to the miRNA subsequent vault ncRNA of small vault RNA (svRNAs) I generate a.
The crate, to be present in large amounts in higher eukaryotes, including lower eukaryotes, including Dictyostelium discoideum and reptiles, mammals, and amphibians, have been discovered so far. Their function is stored among species indicating that it is essential to the function of eukaryotic cells is very as a composition and structure of the protein. The vRNA is the length of a species-specific, which varies between 86 and 141 bases. Further, a number of terms different from the biological organism vRNAs. Each 89 bases in length, 94 other: for example, 141 bases long frog mouse express vRNA and rats represent 2 vRNAs. hvg3 and hvg1, hvg2: people, representing the related vRNAs three. You are educated guess of the vRNA relatively long rodents and covered with more than one (R1) small vRNAs in other species. It is the difference of the type of vRNA but, vRNAs polymerase III promoters all elements are highly conserved. Each vRNAs is expected to be harvested in stem-loop structure similar.
Incidentally, the functional role of the vRNA is not important, it is considered to be a structural role. This conclusion, deterioration of secondary structure that does not affect the form of a vault that vRNA that is based on the observation, different types vRNAs are stored in well is expected. The function of vRNA Since opening in 1986, and vault, remains speculative. The several groups (most is located in the cytoplasm) suggesting a role of depot intracellular transport based on (R1, R3) the intracellular localization barrel, and its structure. The co-localization with cytoskeletal vault, suggesting that it may be transported by the cytoskeleton or cytoskeleton involved in maintenance or partially frames. In torpedo electric line, it is transported in nerve endings between the cell body to support the role of the cytoskeleton in desk transport has been shown to box. It is not known vRNAs arches and may or may not be involved in intracellular transport actually.
Multi-drug resistance (LRP) lung resistance-related protein (MDR)-associated protein is an (MRP). The MDR, is the main cause of failure of cancer treatment, it is associated with overexpression of MRP was found. This gene cDNA LRP encoding the cDNA was found to be the human major vault protein. Note that it is overexpressed in human tumor cell lines having many MDR phenotype was found to MVP / vault. It is possible to act by the vault to transport the drug from the (R1) its target.
with respect to functionality of the vRNA, vRNAs should be noted that it is connected to a human cancer cell line storage complex some it. People vRNAs three, must Vault of complex ratio does not reflect the expression level. Three vRNAs have different affinities for the (TEP1) telomerase-associated protein 1. The TEP1, be identical with any of the smaller bolt protein was found. The TEP1, components of the telomerase complex is evolutionarily conserved.
By generating a knockout model, an attempt to understand the role of the role in human disease frame and probably have been made. In the cellular slime mold, unlike mammals, there are three major protein safe. The destruction of two of these genes, suggesting a role in survival (R1), to prevent the proliferation and / or cellular proliferation. However, (including the MVP as a human being) mouse, the interruption of MVP, can lead to loss of the depot, there was no phenotype was observed. (Also lacks the vRNA of) TEP1 KO mouse phenotype conspicuous does not exist. Cancer cell lines showed overexpression of MVP, but compared to the wild-type, MVP KO mice did not show increased sensitivity to the drug. Interestingly, the increase in tumors induced in carcinogen VPARP deficient mice have been reported, vRNAs related to a particular disease in humans remains. If vRNAs is linked to a number of conditions subtly, with relevance and known frame together vRNA, the role of the mobile phone potential of the above, I would not be surprised it.