MutL homologs
MutL homologs has a weak ATPase activity. It forms a complex with Chelsea and MutS of increasing the footprint of MutS of DNA.
However, the processing capability of UvrD is 40-50bp of only ~ (distance that can be moved along the DNA before the enzyme decomposes). As the distance developed between the sections and MutL homologs, in order to start over the process, the complementary strand of their forces when it may be inconsistent with participants that have been created by Muth, UvrD other 600 bp average – is not loaded It is free to re-annealing. However, if it is supported by Mutl, UvrD loading ratio is increased significantly. Can not (and use ATP) processing capacity of molecule UvrD individual remains the same, the overall effect on the DNA is significantly increased, and re-annealing of DNA, each UvrD is, the 40-50 BP of DNA cleavage Generate and UvrD anothe MutL homologsr process is repeated replaced immediately after it. (Exchange and later) high-speed cutting and to allow DNA was wrong, this is, to reveal a large part of the DNA to exonuclease digestion.
MutL homologs have identified the cognate PMS1 and MLH1. They form a Mutl imitation heterodimer in E. coli. There are three forms that are defined as MutLγ MutLα, and MutLβ the human homologue of prokaryotic Mutl. MutLβ heterodimer consisting of PMS1 and PMS2, MLH1 two subunits of MLH3 and MLH1 made complex MutLα, and MLH1, and it is composed of MutLγ. Adjust the event of mismatch repair, MutLα plays a facilitator and matchmaker. In recent years, introduced DNA endonuclease necessary protein and other non-compliance that it has been shown, the DNA strand breaks in the activation of PCNA and MutSa. Cleavage of these fibers serve as the entry point for exonuclease activity removed mismatch DNA. MutLβMutLγ contradiction repair and role is understood very well.
MutL homologs gene he explains the procedure for the preparation of proteins that play an important role in DNA repair. This protein will help you to correct the error that occurs when in preparation for cell division DNA is (duplicate) copy. To form a protein complex, MLH1 proteins participated in another protein called PMS2 (PMS2 gene Ltd.). This complex coordinated activity of other proteins that repair error occurs during DNA replication. To remove a portion of the DNA containing the error, repair is done by replacing a part the correct sequence of the DNA. MLH1 gene is a member of the set of genes known as (MMR) gene mismatch repair.
About 50% of all cases of MutL homologs with a gene specific mutation is associated with a mutation of a gene MLH1. Several hundred MLH1 gene mutations have been found in people with this condition. Lynch syndrome increases the risk of cancer of the rectum and (colon) colon has been called many types of cancer, and colon cancer in particular. People with Lynch syndrome have a brain (lining of the uterus) increased risk of endometrial, ovarian, stomach, intestines, liver, cystic duct, and upper urinary tract.
Is not functioning properly, or prevent the production of protein MLH1, MLH1 gene mutations are associated with this condition that leads to a modified version of this protein. It works, or does not exist MLH1 protein, number of errors in the DNA that has been modified in cells division at the time, to increase significantly. The cells, it is possible to increase the risk of the formation of tumors in other parts of the body or colon cells to work properly, an error is accumulated continues to split.Specific mutation of Lynch syndrome embodiment of MLH1 gene cause is called Turcot. In addition to colorectal cancer, individuals with syndrome, Turcot’s will tend to develop a particular type of brain tumor called glioblastoma.
Another embodiment of Lynch syndrome called Muir-Torre syndrome, may be caused by mutations in MutL homologs1. In addition to colon cancer, people with this condition, the risk of occurrence of skin tumors some common high. Rare skin tumor these, including cancer and sebaceous adenoma occurring in glands produce an oily substance called (sebaceous glands) sebum. Typically, tumors of the fastest-growing of some called it is possible that the exposed portion of the solar skin, keratoacanthoma occurs.
Associated with mutations in one copy of the MLH1 gene, very rarely, the people of families affected, MLH1 gene mutations in two, Lynch syndrome does not inherit one from each parent. In these cases, the same mutation was found two copies of the gene (homozygous mutation) most often. People with MLH1 gene mutations homozygous, have a syndrome different Lynch syndrome. In addition to colon cancer, these individuals can be developed (leukemia and lymphoma) blood cancer. Some of these individuals, the characteristics of the condition known as neurofibromatosis, including non-cancerous tumors that grow along the patch of light brown skin called café au lait spots nerves and (neurofibromas), I develop. I has occurred in early childhood that early colon cancer in these individuals early very often. Colon cancer, lymphoma and leukemia, neurofibromatosis, this syndrome is sometimes referred to as the colon, but is included.