Kronos HT WSL-1565 with Brochure 2019

NEW WSL-1565 Kronos HT Brochure 2019

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Kronos HT main unit, Control software (for Windows PC), CO2gas mixer, Humidifying unit, 24 well plate adapter

  • High throughput live cell realtime reporter assay
  • Measuring with temperature and CO2 controlled incubation chamber
  • 24 well plate x 2 or 96 well plate x 2 (option)
  • Data display with real-time
  • Detectors scan each well, so culture plates don’t move.
  • Lower noise by PMT cooling
  • Dual-color luciferase assay by optical filter auto-changing

Detector: Photomultiplier tube (10oC cooling) x 2 units, X-Y actuating
Measurement: Photon counting method
Measurement time: Integral time: 1 – 60 s/well, Measurement term: 1 h – 30 days
Plate format: Clear bottom 24 well plate x 2 (Standard)
Clear bottom 96 well plate x 2 (Option), 35 mm dish x 12 (Option)
48 samples (24 well plate x 2)
192 samples (96 well plate x 2, option)
12 samples (35 mm dish x 12, option)
Incubation temperature control: Room temperature + 5oC to 45oC at room temperature 20 – 28oC
CO2 gas control: Control to 5% by CO2 gas mixer
Setting of water reservoir in incubator and humidified 5% CO2 gas flowing intermittently by
humidifying unit
Maintaining >90%RH
Multi-color assay: Measurement with automatically selected optical filter up to 2 colors
PC requirements OS: Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7, 64 / 32 bit, Memory: 4 GB, HDD: more than 20 GB free space
Interface: USB2.0 x 1 port
Dimensions, Weight:
Main unit: 650 (W) x 520 (D) x 340 (H) mm, 40 kg
CO2 gas mixer: 160 (W) x 300 (D) x 200 (H) mm, 4.8 kg
Humidifying unit: 170 (W) x 140 (D) x 115 (H) mm, 1.6 kg
Main unit: AC 100 – 240 V, 50 / 60 Hz, 400 W (max)
CO2 gas mixer: AC 100 – 240 V, 50 / 60 Hz, 100 W (max)
Humidifying unit: AC 100 – 240 V, 50 / 60 Hz, 24W (max)

Model 3510146: 24 well plate adapter
Model 3510147: 96 well plate adapter
Model 3510148: 35 mm dish adapter

Application data

Circadian rhythm of clock gene expression

Transcriptional activity of clock gene, mPer2
mPer2 promoter – Eluc (PEST) expressed fibroblast stable
cell line in 24 well clear bottom plate
Measurement time: 5s / well, Interval time: 10min

Drug response of transcription factor

Dual-color real-time luciferase assay of TNF-a induced NF-kB transcriptional activity

NF-kB response elemnt – TK promoter – SLG (green color emited luciferase) and TK promoter – SLR (red color emitted luciferase)
expressed fibroblast cell line in 96 well clear bottom plate
Measurement time: 5s x 2 color / well, Interval time: 30min
(A), (B) Transcriptional activity of NF-kB and TK promoter for 48h
(C) Normalized by activity of control (TK)
(D) Ratio to NF-kB activity without TNF-a


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