Viroid is a plant pathogen, which consists of (several hundred nucleic acid base) a highly complementary, circular, short section of single-stranded RNA. For comparison, the genome of the virus known minimum, the infection on its own, there is a possibility size is about 2 kilobases. Human pathogen hepatitis D virus is the same as the viroid. Ranging from nucleotides 467 to 246 pcs (NT), viroid genome is composed of 000 pcs of 10 or more very small. Viroid was detected and identified by plant pathologist in the Agricultural Research Service of Maryland Theodor Otto Diener, in 1971. Viroid RNA does not encode a protein. Not a replication mechanism with the viroid RNA as a template, and includes an enzyme that is associated with the synthesis of RNA from DNA RNA polymerase II catalyst “rolling circle” synthesis of new RNA, usually. Viroid some is a ribozyme catalytic properties and to enable the consolidation of the unit amount of the genome of a key intermediate replication of self-cleavage. Viroid is a potato spindle tuber viroid first identified. Some species have been identified 33.
Without encoding the protein product of any of its array long viroids, there was confusion on how can induce the symptoms of plants. The evidence, I believe that RNA silencing is involved. First, changes in the viroid genome will be able to change its virulence dramatically. This reflects the fact that siRNA all generated that has a base pair additional less targeted RNA. Second, siRNA corresponding to the sequence of the viroid genome was isolated from infected plants. Finally, transgenic expression of non-infected hpRNA of potato spindle tuber viroid is, develop the symptoms of viroid well as all related. These data were reproduced in a double-stranded RNA intermediates, such as viruses, they show that after instructed by the enzyme Dicer, when it is cut into, siRNA is loaded into the RNA-induced silencing complex are. This is what causes the symptoms viroid classical containing sequences capable of complementing the pairing base to inhibit translation or induce degradation and messenger RNA own factory really viroids siRNA.
RNA has been identified as a sub-viral RNA, viral satellite RNA, viroids, human hepatitis delta virus and satellite (HDV) is a infectious pathogens known minimum. Encoding (HDAgs) viral proteins two HDV genome, the circular genome of single-stranded small, negative sense RNA containing a self-cleavable motif, and is configured open reading frame from (ORF). HDV requires a complex distribution of the surface antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBV), a virus. Small is replicated autonomously in the host plant and unencapsidated, single-stranded circular RNA encoding viroid is (~ 400 NT). Based on the presence or absence of (chloroplast and nuclear), viroids are classified into two families of the subcellular localization conserved regions and ribosome hammer. I own the code for a protein of genes required for the replication, satellite does not depend on the helper virus for its propagation. Both satellite and satellite virus nucleic acid contains the satellite. Satellite virus is composed of capsid single-stranded RNA genome by the protein encoded by satellite. Satellite nucleic acid comprising a satellite RNA of single-stranded RNA satellite subset of satellite RNA and double-stranded. Double-stranded RNA wrapped in a coat of satellite assistant viral proteins. (Also known as a satellite RNA viroid similar) the satellite RNA satellite RNA circular protein, a small linear encoding major satellite RNA: by encoding the protein capsid, single-stranded RNA genome, the three groups I have a satellite that is not classified.
I form the main part (ie, associated with viroid, vHDV, and RNA satellite RNA) of the database section of the one associated with the sub-viral RNA sequences. Their families, are indexed according to the species or genus in the classification system on the basis of criteria established by the International Commission on (ICTV) classification of the virus RNA mutants of all. Once appointed by the ICTV, certain types of use are classified based on sequence similarity it. If any, various agents, RNA, redundant thereof, sequence variants, and the number of size distribution of them is calculated based on the secondary structure of the exemplary embodiment, the family, designated by point database ICTV I choose to lead-point representation of the full name of the code of the type that is. For a particular type of each of the RNA, users can have access to a complete list of links to sequence identical to the sequence variants. Array of identical, might mean consistency improved fitness of in vivo for a particular option. Further, a link to a specific RNA motifs specific is shown in each mutant. From this point, it is possible to individually or in groups, to select the sequence, the user displays them in a different format using analysis software further to the user. In order to display in HTML format records these causes, it is dealing with subviral server directly using (see below) bioinformatics various tools, or possible, to facilitate the transfer to another program, the raw It is stored in a text of.